A | B | C | |
1 | Date | Topics Covered | Notes from Ref |
2 | 11.08.2021 | Turing Machine and its working, simulation of k-tapes TM by a signle-tape TM, tape Compression, halting space bounded computations, llnear speedup | **[Pap94]: Chap 2; Th 2.1 (P-30); Prob 2.8.4/5/6 (P-52-53) **[AB06]: Chap 1; Claim 16 of proof (p-17); Th 1.9 (p-20) **[HU79]: Chap 7; Th 7.2 (P-161) Chap 12; Th 12.1 (P-288), 12.3 (P-290), 12.5, 12.6 , 12.7 (P-295), 12.8 (P-297), 12.9 (P-299), 12.11 (P-301), Lemma 12.1 (P-297), Ex 12.1, 12.2 |
3 | 12.08.2021 | Linear speedup, deterministic languages accepted by TMs in linear time, Universal TMs | **[AB06]: Sec 1.4, 1.7, 1.3.1, Th 1.9, Ex 1.1 |
4 | 13.08.2021 | DTIME, time hierarchy, space hierarchy, DSPACE, L\subseteq NL \subseteq P \subseteq NP \subseteq PSPACE, L proper subset of PSPACE; Savitch's theorem | **[HU79]: Th 12.8 |
5 | 19.08.2021 | Non-deterministic machines, challenge in TM programming | **[Pap94]: Sec 2.7; Th 2.5, Ex 2.2 |
6 | 26.08.2021 | Hierarchy theorems, mergesorting on TMs | |
7 | 27.08.2021 | Non-deterministic timeg and space computations; Discussions on NP and NP-Ccomplete problems: HC, stable sets, graph Isomorphism, SAT, TMSAT and unsatisfiability; Reachability; Pratt's theorem; Cook-Levin theorem | **[AB06]: Th 2.9 |
8 | 01.09.2021 | Disscussion on problems for Assignment 1; FSM, CFG; vertex cover problem | |
9 | 02.09.2021 | Reduction, e.g, SAT to VC | |
10 | 03.09.2021 | Reductions; 3SAT, VC, Clique | **[Pap94]: Prop 4.3; Def 4.1 |
11 | 08.09.2021 | Determinism and randomization defining languages accepted in interactive protocols; Various complexity classes captured by such protocols like NP, BPP, etc.; Graph non-isomorphism interactive protocol using privte coins of Bob. | |
12 | 09.09.2021 | Circuit satisfiability reduces to SAT; concatenating two reductions in log space; SAT instance from CIRCUIT-SAT; NAESAT reduces to 3-coloring; NAESAT reduces to MAXCUT | |
13 | 10.09.2021 | Deriving a SAT instance from CIRCUIT-SAT instance; NAESAT reduces to MAXCUT, Input : G(V, E), k <= e, Question : Is there a cut of size at least k ? ; Continuation of Immerman-Szelepscenyi Theorem | **[Pap94]: Th 9.3 |
14 | 15.09.2021 | Construction of a cut where we want to show cut of size 5m if and only if there is a NAESAT truth assignment for the formula. | |
15 | 16.09.2021 | Boolean circuits; Polynomial sized boolean circuits may have logarithmic or polynomial depth; Class RP; RP turns out to be subset of class NP; BPP has polynomial ckts. | |
16 | 22.09.2021 | Probabilistic TM; The classes BPTIME and BPP; | |
17 | 23.09.2021 | Aspects of parallel computing; CREW PRAM Model; NC1, NC2 Complexity classes; uniform families of circuits. | |
18 | 24.09.2021 | PRAMs from RAMs, Uniform family of PRAMs; register configurations; oracles for deterministic as well as for non-deterministic machines; PSPACE-Completeness for QBF, context-sensitive recognition; | **[Pap94]: Prop 11.2; Th 4.3, 11.4, 11.6, 15.1, 15.2; Ex 4.2; Prob 4.4.5/8/10/12, 15.5.4 |
19 | 29.09.2021 | Polynomial hierarchy introduction; MINIMUM CIRCUIT Problem; SUCCINCT SET COVER Problem; Master tour property; Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC-) dimension property; Probability amplification. | **[Pap94]: Prop 9.1; Def 17.2; Prob 17.3.11 **[AB06]: Def 5.1, 5.3; Th 5.12 of Sec 5.5, Prob 5.1/3/10/12 **[MR00]: Th 4.2 |
20 | 30.09.2021 | Polynomial hierarchy (PH), definition of PH via oracle machines, Balanced relationships-certificates definition of PH, Karp-Lipton Theorem, Meyer's Theorem, Class P/poly, BPP | **[Pap94]: Th 17.2, 17.8; Prop 9.1; Corollary 1 **[AB06]: Def 5.3, 6.5; Th 5.12, 6.19, 6.20 |
21 | 01.10.2021 | Membership of BPP in Sigma 2, Ī£iSAT(Sigma_i SAT) problem, characterization of languages in Sigma _i, Derandomizing BPP into Sigma_2, probability amplification, SUCCINCT SET COVER problem, MINIMUM CIRCUIT problem, Vapnik- Chervonenkis (VC-) dimension problem | |
22 | 06.10.2021 | PSPACE and EXPCOM oracles | **[Pap94]: Th 17.8, Th 17.9; Corollary 2 |
23 | 07.10.2021 | Derandomizing BPP by reducing the number of random bits, Alternating Turing Machines | |
24 | 08.10.2021 | Unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses, PH != PSPACE (Assume PH=PSPACE: Prove TQBF to be PH-Complete, to show collapse of polynomial heirarchy) | **Claim 5.5 in [AB06] |
25 | 20.10.2021 | Barak: Th 5.12 pg 102 | |
26 | 21.10.2021 | QSAT is a complete problem for PSPACE, using ideas from the proof of Savitch's theorem and quantifying states to keep inductively constructed QSAT formula polynomial in size. | |
27 | 27.10.2021 | Test 2: Q1- NL completeness of directed and strongly connected graph. Q5- NC1 is subset of L. Logspace algorithms are also being used to construct the uniform families of circuits. | |
28 | 28.10.2021 | Karp-Lipton Theorem, Meyer's Theorem, Polynomial Advice | |
29 | 29.10.21 | Oblivious UTMs, Sketch of Karp-Lipton and Meyer's theorems, polynomial advise, P/poly, sparse languages. | |
30 | 03.11.21 | Stochastic satisfiabiiity (SSAT), Probabilistic TMs, AP, APP, PSPACE. IP=PSPACE discussion and proof. | Prop. 19.1 [Pap94], Theorem 19.5, Theorem 19.6 |
31 | 05.11.21 | IP=PSPACE proof protocol for QSAT (contd.), seminar by Rahul on non-deterministic time and space hierarchy theorems, seminar by Debojyoti on Ladner's theorem's proof. | |
32 | 10.11.21 | Seminars by Arnab on Karp-Lipton theorem and Meyer's theorem, and by Amatya on the separating oracle for P and NP. | |
33 | 11.11.21 | Amatya continued his presentation and Rahul explained MINLA NP-Completeness proof | |
34 | 12.11.21 | Presentation by Manideep on elements of quantum circuits and the relationship of BQP with PSPACE, P and BPP. |