Command line script


$ ./ [-h] -f FILE [-p PARTITION_CLASS] [-d DATASET_SIZE] [-ng NGPU] [-nc NCPU] [-l] [-g] [-df]

short sub-command description
-h --HELP Show this help message and exit
-f --FILE Input the json file
-p --PARTITION_CLASS Inputs the partition ratio
-d --DATASET_SIZE Inputs the size of the dataset
-ng --NGPU Number of GPUs
-nc --NCPU Number of CPUs
-l --LOG Flag for turning on LOG
-g --GRAPH Flag for plotting GANTT chart for execution
-df --DUMP_OUTPUT_FILE Flag for dumping output file for a kernel


$ ./ [-h] -f FILE [-s SELECT] [-ng NGPU] [-nc NCPU] [-l] [-g] [-df]
short sub-command description
-h --HELP Show this help message and exit
-f --FILE Input task file containing list of < json filename, partition class, dataset tuples >
-s --SELECT Scheduling heuristic (baseline, lookahead, adbias)
-ng --NGPU Number of GPUs
-nc --NCPU Number of CPUs
-l --LOG Flag for turning on LOG
-g --GRAPH Flag for plotting GANTT chart for execution
-df --DUMP_OUTPUT_FILE Flag for dumping output file for a kernel

Get Optimal Partition

$ ./ [-h] -f FILE [-d DATASET_SIZE] [-nr RUNS]
short sub-command description
-h --HELP Show this help message and exit
-f --FILE Input the json file
-d --DATASET_SIZE Inputs the size of the dataset
-nr --RUNS Number of runs for executing each partitioned variant of the original program

Run Scheduler

$ ./ [-h] [-f FILE] -t TASKS [-s SELECT] [-ng NGPU] [-nc NCPU] [-nr RUNS]

short sub-command description
-h --HELP Show this help message and exit
-f --FILE Input task file containing list of < json filename, partition class, dataset tuples >
-s --SELECT Scheduling heuristic (baseline, lookahead, adbias)
-ng --NGPU Number of GPUs
-nc --NCPU Number of CPUs
-nr --RUNS Number of runs for executing each scheduling algorithm

Log Parser

$ ./ [-h] [-f FILE] [-d] [-p] [-c CALLBACK] [-he] [-ke] [-dvt DEVICE_TYPE] [-k KERNEL_NAME]

short sub-command description
-h --HELP Show this help message and exit
-d --DISPATCH Displays information regarding dispatch events for kernel
-p --PARTITION_INFO Displays information regarding partitioning for CPU/GPU/both
-c --CALLBACK Displays information regarding callback for PROBE, RESET, TRIGGERED depending on option
-he --HOST_EVENT Displays information regarding Host events for CPU/GPU/both
-dvt --DEVICE_TYPE Displays LOG information for specified device type - CPU/GPU/BOTH
-k --KERNEL_NAME Displays LOG information for the specified kernel

Parse Output Dump

$ ./ >filename.pickle<