• Lecture 1 ( 7th Jan, 2016): Introduction to FTS basics (traffic light controller example)
  • Lecture 2 ( 8th Jan, 2016): Notion of Faults, Errors, Failures, Redundancy in Hardware, Software, System level
  • Lecture 3 (13th Jan, 2016): FTS measures - Reliabiity, Availability etc; Bathtub Curve; Failure rate, MTTF, MTBF, MTTR, relations among measures
  • Lecture 4 (14th Jan, 2016): Canonical Structures : Series, Parallel, Mixed
  • Lecture 5 (15th Jan, 2016): Reliability : lower and upper bound computation, TMR reliability analysis
  • Lecture 6 (20th Jan, 2016): Verilog tutorial
  • Lecture 7 (21th Jan, 2016): Verilog tut (continuation), MofN with voter, single point failure, correlated failure
  • Lecture 8 (27th Jan, 2016): Voting methods, Plurality voting, Active/Dynamic Redundancy, Hybrid Redundancy
  • Lecture 9 (28th Jan, 2016): Duplex Systems and Variations, Acceptance tests, Hardware testing for fault localization
  • Lecture10 (29th Jan, 2016): Poisson Process, Duplex Reliability
  • Lecture11 ( 3rd Feb, 2016): Markov Chains, Reliability and Availability Calculations
  • Lecture12 ( 4th Feb, 2016): Markov Chains, Reliability and Availability Calculations
  • Lecture13 ( 5th Feb, 2016): Processor Level Fault Tolerance : Watchdog, SMT
  • Lecture14 (10th Feb, 2016): Byazantine Failures
  • Lecture15 (11th Feb, 2016): Information Redundancy: Error detection and correction, Single Error Correction (SEC) Hamming code
  • Lecture16 (24th Feb, 2016): SEC/DED, M-of-N, separable codes, Checksum, Berger codes
  • Lecture17 (25th Feb, 2016): Cyclic codes, encoding and decoding circuits, Midsem solution discussion
  • Lecture18 (26th Feb, 2016): Arithmetics codes
  • Lecture19 ( 2nd Mar, 2016): RAID systems
  • Lecture20 ( 3rd Mar, 2016): Analysis of RAID
  • Lecture21 ( 4th Mar, 2016): FT networks : Multistage butterfly (probabilistic analysis)
  • Lecture22 ( 9th Mar, 2016): Explained Programming Assignment 2
  • Lecture23 (10th Mar, 2016): Crossbar, Mesh and HyperCube Topologies : FT analysis
  • Lecture24 (11th Mar, 2016): Crossbar, Mesh and HyperCube Topologies : FT analysis
  • Lecture25 (16th Mar, 2016): CCC networks, Chordal networks : FT analysis
  • Lecture26 (17th Mar, 2016): Explained Programming Assignment 3
  • Lecture27 (18th Mar, 2016): Routing in point-to-point Networks, Routing in Mesh
  • 23rd March - lecture cancelled, 24th, 25th - Holidays
  • Lecture28 (30th Mar, 2016): Routing in Injured Hypercubes, SW fault tolerance : Intro
  • Lecture29 (31st Mar, 2016): SW fault tolerance : Wrapper Design
  • Lecture30 (31st Mar, 2016): Guidance for programming assignment 3 (evening, makeup session)
  • Lecture31 ( 1st Apr, 2016): SW fault tolerance : Rejuvenation, SHIFT, RESO
  • Lecture32 ( 3rd Apr, 2016): SW fault tolerance : SHIFT, RESO, Routing in Injured Hypercubes (example) - make up lecture
  • Lecture33 ( 6th Apr, 2016): SW fault tolerance : Data Diversity, N-Version, Recovery blocks,
  • 7,8th Apr - lecture cancelled (Away on duty leave)
  • Lecture34 (13th Apr, 2016): Winding up (Problem Discussion)
  • Programming Assignment Evaluations happen on dates as notified earlier