Spring 2015


Soumyajit Dey, P. P. Chakrabarti
Office: Room {306, 101}, CSE Building
Email: {soumya, ppchak} @ cse.iitkgp.ernet.in
We are extremely fortunate to have a few guest lectures delivered by Prof. Saurabh Bagchi

Teaching Assistant

Debasmita Lohar
Email: dlohar2009 @ gmail.com

Class Timing

THURS(10:30- 11:30),

Venue - CSE 120



We list the topics and approximate lecture hours as follows.

0. Dependability Measures and Redundancy Techniques -- 5
1. Hardware fault tolerance -- 5
2. Information redundancy -- 8
3. Fault-tolerant Networks -- 4
4. Software fault-tolerance -- 4
5. Checkpointing -- 4

Advanced topics:
1. Reliable system modeling using probabilistic programs -- 2
2. Optimization techniques for reliability refinement -- 2
3. Synthesis of reliable embedded systems using unreliable components -- 2
4. Reliable code generation and instruction scheduling for embedded processors -- 2
5. Designing reliable embedded control systems -- 2


1. Fault-Tolerant Systems, Israel Koren and C. Mani Krishna, Morgan-Kaufman Publishers, 2007
2. Fault Tolerant Design: an introduction - Elena Dubrova link
3. Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering - Edited by Michael R. Lyu link
4. Probability and statictics with reliability, queuing and computer science applications - Kishore S. Trivedi

Additional material

1. Assignment on Fault tolerance of Cache Memory (Source for the original simulator can be found here)
2. Routing in Injured Hypercubes
3. Midsem paper
3. Midsem paper (solution-part1)
3. Midsem paper (solution-errata)