CFCPS 2022 Tutorial Plan

Tutorials (with Lecture wise break-ups)

Tutorial 1: 10.08.2022
  • Basic COA RECAP
Tutorial 2: 17.08.2022
  • Real Time Scheduling -1
Tutorial 3: 24.08.2022
  • Real Time Scheduling -2 (CAN)
Tutorial 4: 31.08.2022
  • Dynamical System Modeling in Matlab
Tutorial 5: 7.09.2022
  • Basic Controller Design in Matlab
Tutorial 6: 14.09.2022
  • Control Performance variation with Platform Schedule delays
Tutorial 7: 21.09.2022
  • Optimal Control and Estimation
Tutorial 8: 12.10.2022
  • Constraint Solving for Control Logic Verification
Tutorial 9: 19.10.2022
  • CPS Security security - 1 (using previous tut)
Tutorial 10: 26.10.2022
  • CPS Security security - 2 (attacking CAN bus)
Tutorial 11: 2.11.2022
  • Distributed Control (connected vehicles)
Tutorial 12: 9.11.2022
  • Controller Learning (autonomous driving application)