CS 698 Y/Z: Topics in Object Oriented Language Implementation
This is an advanced level course in System stream of courses. The course is designed to cover concepts and techniques of object-oriented language/system implementation (OOLI/OOSI) and trends in computing. The course also aims at focussing on internals of OOLI and the emerging execution environment which attempts to provide extensible and trusted computing.
Lecture Hours:
MW: 1400 to 1530 hrs. in CS 101
MW: 1400 to 1530 hrs. in CS 101
Rajeev Kumar
rajv AT iitk.ac.in :: CS320 :: 7652 ::
Contact Hours
MTWTh: 1530 - 1800 hrs (appointment by email)
Rajeev Kumar
rajv AT iitk.ac.in :: CS320 :: 7652 ::
Contact Hours
MTWTh: 1530 - 1800 hrs (appointment by email)
Announcements :
- This site is closed now. There wouldn't be any update from now onwards. Enjoy the vacation !!! Bye...
- Finalized Excel Sheet is here.
- Calculate: Asgn. Exam Factor = (0.8 * Assignment Marks(25) + 0.5 * Mid.Sem. Marks(80) + 0.4 * End. Sem. Marks(100))/100.
- Average :: End Sem Exam.: 49; Proj. Factor : 0.7; Asgn. Exam Factor : 0.57; Total: 58.
- Pls report calculation only discrepancy, if any, by Fri 02.05 (11.00 pm) by email/Tel. 8198.