Seminar Talks and Tutorials by Rajeev Kumar
Tutorials in Conferences
- "Evolutionary Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization". A Specialized Tutorial in Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference (GECCO-09), 9 July 2009, Montreal, Canada. ACM Press.
- "Evolutionary Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization". A Specialized Tutorial in Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference (GECCO-08), 13 July 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. ACM Press.
- "Evolutionary Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization". A Specialized Tutorial in Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference (GECCO-07), 8 July 2007, London, pp. 3366 - 3390. ACM Press.
"Architecture Exploration for Embedded System Design". A Tutorial in Int. Conf. High Performance Computing (HiPC), Bangalore. 22 December 2004. [with Professor P.P. Chakrabarti]
- "Multimedia System: Providing Quality Services". A Tutorial in Int. Conf. High Performance Computing (HiPC), Hyderabad. 17 December 2003.
- "Multimedia System". A Tutorial in Int. Conf. Info. Tech. - Prospects and Challenges (ITPC-03), Kathmandu, 26 May 2003.
Invited and Seminar Talks
Programming Languages & Software Engineering
- "Software Engineering and Runtime Systems". A Keynote Address in MHRD-AICTE Faculty Development Program on "Advanced Software Engineering". Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela. 08 May 2009.
- "Trends in Object Oriented Software Engineering Research". An Invited Talk in a National Conference at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur. 19 January 2009.
- "Object Oriented Software Engineering :: Concepts and Practices". A seminar at Thapar University, Patiala. 05 Dec. 2008.
- "Practical Aspects of Object Oriented Software Engineering". An Invited Seminar in MHRD-AICTE Faculty Development Program on "Advanced Software Engineering". Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela. 25 October 2008.
- "Object Oriented Software Engineering".
A Lecture series in Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University (JIITU), Noida, India. 18 - 20 September 2008.
- "Programming Pearls and Pitfalls".
A Seminar in Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University (JIITU), Noida, India.
25 January 2008.
- "Virtual Execution Environments :: Emerging Runtime Systems for Object Oriented Computing". An Invited Talk in STC on "Trends in Object Oriented Computing". Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela. 27 June 2007.
- "Multiple polymorphic arguments in object-oriented languages".
A Seminar in Dept. Computer Science,
Technology University Darmstadt, Germany.
18 September 2006.
- "Multiple polymorphic arguments in object-oriented languages". A Seminar in Dept. Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Delhi. 16 June 2006.
- "Object Oriented Language Implementation Course - A Working Proposal". Microsoft Academic Summit (MAS-05), New Delhi, 04 - 05 April 2005.
- "Reusable plug-in software components for dependable systems". EuroIndia 2004 Cooperation Forum on the Information Society, New Delhi. 25 March 2004.
- "Message dispatch in object-oriented systems". An Invited Seminar in
Int. Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, March 2000.
Embedded Systems
Multimedia Systems
- "Video Transcoding :: Algorithms and Architectures". A Seminar in
Multimedia Communications Lab, Dept. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology,
Technology University Darmstadt, Germany.
21 September 2006.
- "Networked Multimedia". A plenary talk in Conf. Distributed Processing & Networking, Kharagpur. 12 June 2004.
- "Globalization through miniaturized multimedia devices : realization of a vision". ADC, University of Allahabad, 11 January 2004.
- "Transcoding and QoS for multimedia traffic". Dept. Computer Science, University of Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 11 July 2003.
- "Teaching with technology : Networked multimedia in computer aided learning". A Tutorial delivered to teachers of Kendriya Vidayalya Sanghathan, Eastern Zone, Kharagpur, 14 June 2003.
- "On QoS: Reality Check?" A panel discussion in HiPC Trusted Internet Workshop, Co-located with Int. Conf. High Performance Computing (HiPC), Bangalore,18 December 2002.
- "Triplet geometric representation: novel local invariants for robust recognition". Vision & Autonomous Systems Seminar, Robotics Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA, 12 August 96.
- "Triplet point representation and hierarchical neural net classifier". Semi-Autonomous Systems Seminar, Electronics Systems Group, University of Sheffield, England, 12 July 1995. Published as a Technical Report, June 1995.
Combinatorial Multiobjective Optimization
- "Evolutionary Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization (EMCO)". A Keynote Talk in Int. Conference on Contemporary Computing, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University (JIITU), Noida, 9 August, 2008.
- "Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization :: Solving Hard Problems". An invited Talk in National Workshop On Current Trends in Computing and Bioinformatics, University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kanpur University, Kanpur, 23 February 2007.
- "Solving hard problems in evolutionary multiobjective optimization :: a practitioner's approach". A special lecture in KanGAL's STC on EMO, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 28 April 2006.
- "Evolutionary multiobjective optimization :: A practitioners' approach to solve hard problems". Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, 14 August 2003.
- "Convergence in multiobjective genetic optimization and combinatorial problems (A Practitioners' Approach)". Illinios Genetic Algorithm Lab (IlliGAL), University of Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 10 July 2003.
- "Assessing convergence in multiobjective genetic optimization using Rank-Histograms: A Pareto Converging GA (A Practitioners' Approach)". Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, 02 July 2002.
- "Population driven computational paradigm for search and optimisation". Population &
Development Workshop, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, 03 April 2000.
- "Hybrid computational intelligent systems". KanGAL Seminar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 31 December 1997.
- "A practical approach to evolutionary multiobjective optimization". A Seminar in Dept. Electronics and Computer Engineering, University of Roorkee (now IIT-R), Roorkee, 14 April 1997.
Computational Intelligence
- "Data-Mining by Meta-Learning". Indian Association for Research in Computer Science (IARCS) Course at Siddartha Academy, Vijyawada. 22 September 2004.
- "Meta-learning of high-dimensional spaces for scaling and generalization in data mining". An Invited Seminar in Int. Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, March 2000.
- "Scaling and generalization in data mining by meta learning of data patterns". 30th IETE Mid-Term Symposium Data Warehousing and Data Mining Applications, Pilani, 3-4 April 1999.
- "Hybrid computational intelligent systems". KanGAL Seminar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 31 December 1997.
- "Hierarchical organization of intelligent models". An Invited Seminar in Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, 18 December 1997.
- "Hybrid Intelligent models - A Tutorial". Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, 19 April 1997.
- NBA Trainer's Workshop on Revised Guidelines for Accreditating Undergraduate Engineering Programs, National Board of Accreditation (NBA), March 2011.
- "On Enhanced Quality in Teaching and Research". An interactive session with CS faculty at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University (JIITU), Noida. 02 Dec. 09.
- "AICTE/NBA Revised Guidelines for Accreditating Undergraduate Engineering Programs". Conducting Awareness Workshops for Assessors and Engineering Institutes'/Colleges' Managers. @SPEC, Mumbai (12-13 June 09), @JNTU, Hyderabad (07-08 August 09), @UTU, Dehradun (21-22 August 09).
- "Towards Value-Added Professionalism". An Invited Talk at Maharaja Agrasen Mahavidyalaya Institute of Management, Bareilly. 30 Oct. 2009.
- "Quality in Education, Research and Services". An interactive session at Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Infomation and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar. 22 Nov. 2008.
- "A document that serves the reader?" BITS Seminar Quality Assurance in Project Reports, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, 25 September 1997.
Rajeev Kumar
Department of Computing Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
13 May 2006