
Course Contents

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CS 40017 Object Oriented System Design

This is an advanced level course in System stream of courses. The course is designed to cover concepts and techniques of object-oriented system design (and implementation) and trends in computing. The course also aims at focussing on internals of OOSD and the emerging execution environment which attempts to provide extensible and trusted computing.

Lecture Hours (Slot E)
Wed (1130); Thu (1030); Fri (0930) in CS 107 [Reserved :: Fri (0830 hrs.)]
Rajeev Kumar
rajeevkumar.cse AT gmail.com
:: Office: A-204 (CSE Annex) :: Tel: 83464 ::

Contact Hours
WThF: 1600 - 1700 hrs (appointment by email)

TA: Rajesh Kontham

Announcements :