CS 60042 Advances in Compiler Construction
This is an advanced level course in System stream of courses. The course is designed to cover concepts and techniques primarily of quality code synthesis for improved performance. The course also covers trends in compilation techniques. Though the core course of Compiler Construction is the pre-requisite, the course begins with an overview of compiler construction focussing on analysis. For code synthesis, it is desirable to have working knowledge of Computer Architecture.
Lecture Hours (Slot G)
MWThF : 1630 hrs in CS 302
(Classes may extend upto 1800 hrs.)
MWThF : 1630 hrs in CS 302
(Classes may extend upto 1800 hrs.)
Rajeev Kumar
rajeevkumar.cse AT gmail.com :: Office: A-204 (CSE Annex) :: Tel: 83464 ::
Contact Hours
MWThF: 1800-1900 hrs (appointment by email)
Teaching Assistant:
Abhishek Upmanyu
abhishek2175 AT gmail.com
Rajeev Kumar
rajeevkumar.cse AT gmail.com :: Office: A-204 (CSE Annex) :: Tel: 83464 ::
Contact Hours
MWThF: 1800-1900 hrs (appointment by email)
Teaching Assistant:
Abhishek Upmanyu
abhishek2175 AT gmail.com
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- Pls. check your evaluated endSem scripts on Thu, 30.04.15 at 05.00 pm onwards.