
Reading Material
Further Reading
1. Introduction
Chapter 1, Russell Norvig
Turing Test
2. Intelligent Agents
Chapter 2, Russell Norvig
Michael Wooldridge, Intelligent Agents in G. Weiss, editor: Multiagent Systems, The MIT Press, April 1999, [PS]
3. Problem Solving by Search
Chapter 3, Russell Norvig

Pearl and Korf, Search Techniques.

4. Uninformed Search
Chapter 3, Russell Norvig
Pearl & Korf
5. Informed Search
Chapter 4, Russell Norvig
Pearl & Korf
6. Constrained Satisfaction Problems
Chapter 5, Russell Norvig
Algorithms for Constraint- Satisfaction Problems: A Survey
7. Adversial Search
Chapter 6, Russell Norvig
Games & Puzzles

The Game AI Page: Building Artificial Intelligence into Games

Game Programming Information

8. Game Theory
Chapter 17.6, Russell & Norvig
Resources on Game Theory
9. Knowledge and Reasoning
Logical Foundations
Theorem Proving
Chapter 7-9, Russell & Norvig
Genesereth, M., and Nilsson, N., Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, San Fran­cisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1987

Introduction to Logic, Copi & Cohen
10. Knowledge Representation
Chapter 10, Russell & Norvig
Concepts of Logical AI
John McCarthy
11. Reasoning under Uncertainty
Chapter 13-14,
Russell & Norvig
Graphical Models

12. Planning
Chapter 11, Russell & Norvig
Nils Nilsson. Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Tioga Publishing Co., 1980
13. Learning: Concept learning, decision trees
Chapter 18, Russell & Norvig
Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell, McGraw-Hill
14. Linear discriminants, support vector machines
Chapter 20, Russell & Norvig
Pattern Classification, Duda, Hart & Stork
15. Statistical learning: Bayes rule, EM, K-NN
Chapter 20, Russell & Norvig
Pattern Classification, Duda, Hart & Stork
16. Reinforcement learning
Chapter 21, Russell & Norvig
Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell
17. Communication and multiagent systems
Chapter 22, Russell & Norvig
Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Michael Wooldridge, The MIT Press, 1999
18. Natural Language Processing
Chapter 23, Russell & Norvig
ELIZA The Chatterbot
19. Computer Vision
Chapter 24, Russell & Norvig
Computer Vision, Ballard & Brown
20. Conclusion
Chapter 27, Russell & Norvig