Nevin Valsaraj

Senior Undergraduate Student

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

IIT Kharagpur

About Me

I speak many languages - English, Malayalam, C++, C, Python, Java, JavaScript, Shell-script, and a few of those exotic languages of the Web.

I'm partial to Linux, the epitome of the power of open-source.
Git version control and Vim joins the list.
(The reader can figure out that I was never able to master the all-powerful Emacs, whose mysterious nature I find strangely alluring).

I'm an avid tinkerer.
Getting things to work gives me a high that few other things do.

Currently working as:

Software Team Lead at TeamAUV, IIT Kharagpur
Executive Editor at TLS, IIT Kharagpur

Also worked as:

Head / Instructor at Winter Workshop on Image Processing
(Certified by IEEE)

Web Team Head at Kshitij, IIT Kharagpur


Sign-Language Interpreter

Used machine learning and image processing techniques to learn and identify sign-languages.

Auditorium Management Software

Used JSP, MySQL and Bootstrap front-end framework to implement kiosk-style sales and management of tickets.

Lane-follower Robot using Real-Time Image Processing

Implemented real-time image processing using OpenCV library to build lane-follower robot using Arduino development board