
PSEC-KEM (Provably Secured Elliptic Curve Encryption with Key Encapsulation mechanism) is an algorithm designed by NTT Laboratories, Japan in 1999. PSEC-KEM is provably secured under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption on the elliptic curves and is an efficient integration of both asymmetric and symmetric key cryptography to provide a secured and integrated solution. This work aims to develop hardware and software designs for the algorithm on FPGAs and standard processors.

The hardware and software implementation of PSEC-KEM is over the field GF(2283) for both random curves and Koblitz curves.

Source Code and Documentation

  • Characteristic 2 Fields for Random Curves in Hardware

  • Characteristic 2 Fields for Koblitz Curves in Hardware

  • Characteristic 2 Fields for Random and Koblitz Curves on Software

  • Design Document for Both Hardware and Software

  • Performance Results


  • NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories, NTT Corporation. Standars for Efficient Cryptography, SEC 2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters (Version 2.0), Working Draft (January 27, 2010).

  • NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories, NTT Corporation. PSEC-KEM Specification (Version 2.0), June 2007.

  • NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories, NTT Corporation. Standards for Efficient Cryptogra- phy, SEC X.1: Supplemental Document for Odd Characteristic Extension Fields, Working Draft (Version 0.7), May 2009.

  • NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories, NTT Corporation. Standars for Efficient Cryptography, SEC X.2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters, Working Draft (Version 0.6). August 2008. c NTT Corporation, IIT Kharagpur, 2011

  • Certicom Research. Standards for Efficient Cryptography, SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Version 1.0), September 2000

  • SHA Opencores, http://opencores.org/project,sha core

  • C. Rebeiro and D. Mukhopadhyay, “Power Attack Resistant Efficient FPGA Architecture for Karatsuba Multiplier,” in VLSID 08: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on VLSI Design, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 706–711

  • C. Rebeiro, S.S. Roy, D.S. Reddy and D. Mukhopadhyay, “Revisiting the Itoh-Tsujii Inversion Algorithm for FPGA Platforms”, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, vol. PP Issue:99.

  • Jerome A. Solinas, “Effecient Arithmetic on Koblitz Curves”, Design, Codes and Cryptography, 2009, pages 195-249

  • Billy Bob Brumley and Kimmo U. J ̈rvinen, “Conversion Algorithms and Implementations for Koblitz Curve Cryptography”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2010, pages 81-92.

  • People