The power consumption becomes an important issue in circuit
design technologies. The power dissipation in high-performance
CMOS VLSI circuits like microprocessors is becoming an increasing
problem. One reason for the high power dissipation is the almost
universal design approach synchronous circuits, which imposes global
synchrony across a chip. This is achieved by applying a common clock
to all the functional units on a chip and has the undesirable side effect
of causing those units to dissipate power whether or not they are doing
useful work.
The main objective of designing the asynchronous
circuits will be there is no master clock, the reduction in silicon by
following domino logic with dual-rail logic and thus ensures the power
consumption in designing the circuits.
We present a design technique for implementing asynchronous
ALUs with CMOS domino logic and delay insensitive dual rail four-
phase logic. It ensures economy in silicon area and potentially for low
power consumption. The design has been described and implemented
to achieve high performance in comparison with the synchronous and
available asynchronous designs. This implementation justifies the
claimed performance through the SPICE simulation results.
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