Rotation of CDS via Connected Domatic Partition in Adhoc Sensor Networks
Rajiv Misra and Chittaranjan Mandal

Wireless adhoc and sensor networks (WSN) often require connected dominating set (CDS) as the underlying virtual backbone for efficient routing. Nodes in CDS have extra computation and communication load for their role as dominator, subjecting them to an early exhaustion of their battery. A simple mechanism to address this problem is to switch from one CDS to another fresh CDS, rotating the active CDS through a disjoint set of CDSes. This gives rise to the connected domatic partition (CDP) problem which essentially involves partitioning the nodes V(G) of a graph G into node disjoint CDSes. We have developed a distributed algorithm for constructing the CDP using our maximal independent set (MIS) based proximity heuristics which depends only on connectivity information and does not rely on geographic or geometric information. We show that the size of a CDP that is identified by our algorithm is at least (δ+1)/(β(c+1))-f, where δ is the minimum node degree of G, β ≤ 2 and c ≤ 11 is a constant for a UDG, the expected value of f is εδ|V| where ε ≪ 1 is a positive constant and δ ≥ 48. Our scheme also performs better than other related techniques, such as the ID based scheme.

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Domatic Partition, Clustering, Self-organisation, Energy-efficient protocols. [Full paper and publications list]