A Fast Exploration Procedure for Analog High-Level Specification Translation
Soumya Pandit, Sumit K. Bhattacharya, Chittaranjan Mandal Member and Amit Patra

This paper presents an exploration procedure for mapping given functional specifications of an analog system to the specification parameters of individual component blocks of the system topology. A meet-in-the-middle approach has been followed for constructing the feasible design space. It is constructed as the intersection of an application bounded spec- ification space and a circuit realizable specification space. Least squares support vector machine principle is used to accurately identify the actual geometry of the feasible design space. The reduced design space speeds up the exploration procedure. The benefit of our methodology is the ability to obtain practically correct circuit-level specifications of the component blocks of the system in a single pass. The effectiveness of the procedure has been demonstrated by considering a complete system. The simulation results satisfy the desired specifications of the system, validating the overall procedure.

Keywords: High-level specification translation, Design space description, Least squares SVM, Design space exploration.

chitta@iitkgp.ac.in [Full paper and publications list]