
Research Statement




Talks and Training


Invited Talks and Training

  1. Workshop Lecture, ''Formal Analysis of Cache Timing Attacks'', Cryptographic Hardware and Engineering Workshop (CHEW 2012), Kharagpur, March 31, 2012 [website]

  2. Invited Talk, ''Tools for Side Channel Analysis : The Case of Cache Timing Attacks'', Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Bangalore, December 21, 2011

  3. Invited Talk, ''On the Insecurity of Cache Memories'', National Workshop on Recent Trends in Cryptography and Network Security, Bangalore, June 30, 2011

  4. Workshop Lecture, ''Implementation of High Speed Finite Field Primitives on FPGAs'', Anurag Labs, DRDO, Hyderabad, May 24, 2011.

  5. Tutorial Talk, ''Hardware Security : A 21st Century Perspective'', with D. Mukhopadhyay and R.S. Chakraborty, 24th IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID), Chennai, January 2, 2011. [website].

  6. Department Seminar, ''Cache Timing Attacks : The Ugly Side of Cache Memories'', Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, October 27, 2010.

  7. Training for Resarch and Analysis Wing, ''Modern Trends in Computer Organization and Architecture'', Bangalore, May 11, 2009.