
CS11001 Programming and Data Structures

(Autumn Semester 2014)

Teaching Assistants (Theory)
Anju Johnson anjupj [AT]
Arpita Reddy pyreddyarpita [AT]
Saranya Saha saranya_saha [AT]

Teaching Assistants (Laboratory)
Krishnakant Sijariya krishnakant.siz [AT]
Akash Amat akash.amat [AT]
Akhil Saxena akhil111291 [AT]
Mousumi Roy mousumi.roy47 [AT]
Paheli Bhattacharya pahelibhattacharya [AT]
Subhrangsu Mandal santu.cst [AT]
Amrit Ekka amritekka1992 [AT]
Satish Shende


17.11.2014 File handling and Command Line Arguments are not in the syllabus
11.11.2014 Section 11-PDS Lab test on Nov 13 at 1.30pm
06.11.2014 Programming practice-II assignments are available here
06.11.2014 Midsem marks. Solutions midsem, CT-1, CT-2
04.11.2014 Check your CT and Midsem answer scripts on Nov 6, at room #119, Dept of CSE. Time (strictly): Section 13 (16.00-17.00), Section 14 (17.00-18.00)
21.10.2014 Class Test-II : 28-Oct-2014 (19.00-20.00). Seating arrangement here
05.09.2014 Programming practice-I assignments are available here
17.08.2014 First class test : 28-Aug-2014 (19.00-20.00). Seating arrangement here
20.07.2014 First class: July 21 2014, Venue: F-142 Time: 9.30am

Theory (Section 13, 14)

       Home Assignments

Laboratory (Section 11)

       Study Materials
       Home Assignments


General Information

Lectures : MON(09:30-10:25), WED(8:30-9:25), THU(9:30-10:25)
Room # : F-142
Meeting time outside class : FRI(17:30-18:30)
Units : 3-0-2
Credits : 3 (Theory)
Contact : Room #315 (CSE), Phone 82358

Important!: Class attendance is mandatory! Any time your attendance falls below 85%, you have 100% chance of being de-registered irrespective of your class performance, CGPA etc!

Attendance Policy

If you are not present in the class (or do not respond), when I call by your name (may be randomly or sequentially....surprise!), you will lose 1.5 credit (instead of one) for the attendance for that week. If that happens twice in a week, you will be marked as absent for the entire week (i.e. you will lose all the three credits for attendance for that week).

Text Books (Theory & Lab):

[1] Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall of India.
[2] Byron Gottfried, Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, McGraw-Hill.
[3] E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw-Hill.
[4] Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures, Schaum's Outlines Series, Tata McGraw-Hill.


Teacher's Assessment : 20 (Class Test, Class attendance)
Mid-sem : 30
End-sem : 50


Slides just contain very informal outlines of the topics; details will be discussed in the class.
1. Introduction.
2. Expressions
3. Conditional Statement-Branching
4. Loop
5. Function
6. Array and Misc
7. String
8. Search and sort
9. More on Functions+Recursion+examples
10. Structures
11. 2D-array
12. Pointers
13. Dynamic memory allocation
14. Linked list
15. Stack and Queue
16. Algorithm analysis: Big O notation

Home Assignments

1. Programming Assignment-I
2. Programming Assignment-II

Laboratory (Section 11)

General Information

Lab venue and time : CIC Lab, THU (13.30-17.30)

Units : 3-0-2
Credits : 2 (Lab)

Study Materials

1. Expression evaluation.
2. Branching.

Home Assignments

1.Programming Assignment