
CS60055 Ubiquitous Computing

(Autumn Semester 2016)

Teaching Assistants
Surjya Ghosh surjya.ghosh [AT]
SumIt Sahu sumits4hu [AT]


15.11.2016 Final Term-project presentation on Nov 17 (Thu) at 7.30pm. Venue: CSE-107
15.11.2016 Extra class on Nov 18 (Fri) @7.30pm
27.09.2016 Mid-Term project presentation on Oct 4 at 7.00pm. Venue: CSE-107
02.08.2016 Group & Term project submission deadline : Aug. 3 EOD (Hard deadline)
17.07.2016 First class: July 19, 2016, Tuesday. Venue: CS 120, Time: 10.00am.
       Course outline
       General Information

Course outline

The goal of this course is to acquaint participants with some of the fundamental concepts and state-of-the-art research in the areas of ubiquitous computing. Since this field is rapidly progressing, the course is aimed at students who want to explore it as researchers or track its evolution. The major focus of this is to course is to explore the high level facilities, system architecture and protocols of the ubiquitous system and apply data analytics to facilitate next generation computing. A significant portion of the course will cover the Internet of Things (IoT). Less emphasis will be given to the hardware and device level details. This is a research oriented postgraduate course. This course has no official prerequisites. However, it is implicitly expected that the registrants have already gone through the basic courses on machine learning and computer networks. The outline of the course is given below


Introduction, Overview, Challenges
Networking Basics, NFC, Wireless LAN
Location in ubiquitous computing: Personal assistants, Location aware computing, Location tracking, Architecture, Location based service and applications, Location based social networks (LBSN), LBSN Recommendation
Context-aware computing: Context and Context-aware Computing, Issues and Challenges, Developing Context-aware Applications, System Architecture
Privacy and security in ubiquitous computing
Energy constraints in ubiquitous computing
Wearable computing, Glass and Augmented Reality, Eye-Tracking, Digital Pen and Paper
Mobile social networking & crowd sensing, Event based social network
Mobile affective computing: Human Activity and Emotion Sensing, Health Apps
Mobile p2p computing
Smart Homes and Intelligent Buildings, Mobile HCI
Introduction to IoT
Definition, trend, IOT components, IOT Applications
Cloud centric IOT, Open challenges, Architecture, Energy Efficiency, Participatory sensing, New Protocols, QoS, QoE
IoT and data analytics IOT and Data Management, Data cleaning and processing, Data storage models
Search techniques, Deep Web, Semantic sensor web, Semantic Web Data Management, Searching in IOT
Real-time and Big Data Analytics for The Internet of Things, Heterogeneous Data Processing, High-dimensional Data Processing, Parallel and Distributed Data Processing

Text Books:
Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals, John Krumm, CRC Press, 2010 
Papers from the ACM and IEEE digital libraries.

General Information

Lectures : MON(12:00-13:00), TUE(10:00-12:00)
Room # : CSE-120

Units : 3-0-0
Credits : 3
Contact : Room #322 (CSE), Phone 82358

Class attendance is mandatory! Any time your attendance falls below 85%, you have 100% chance of being de-registered irrespective of your class performance, CGPA etc!

Attendance Policy

If you are not present in the class (or do not respond), when I call by your name (may be randomly or sequentially....surprise!), you will lose 1.5 credit (instead of one) for the attendance for that week. If that happens twice in a week, you will be marked as absent for the entire week (i.e. you will lose all the three credits for attendance for that week).

Term Project

Term project is the most significant component of this course. You have to form a team of two; each team will be assigned a term project and a mentor to execute. The project should have a definite and achievable objective. The expectation is, each term projects should be transformed to one research paper at the end of the semester. In this course, the progress of the term project will be evaluated twice; mid-term evaluation (in September) and final evaluation (in November). This is to inform that in the previous year, two research papers have been published as an outcome of the term project.


Term project, Class Test : 30
Mid-sem : 30
End-sem : 40


Slides just contain very informal outlines of the topics; details will be discussed in the class.

1. Introduction to Ubiquitous Computing (Paper).
2. Wireless basics: Bluetooth (Paper, Paper), Wifi-Direct (Paper, Paper).
3. Context sensing: Mood recognition (Paper), Activity recognition (Paper), Rule based context sensing (Paper, Apriori Algorithm)
4. Wearable computing: Automatic Word Counting using Smart Glass (Paper), Wearable Virtual Guide for Indoor Navigation (Paper)
5. Crowdsensing based activity recognition: Slides (Paper)
6. Internet of Things: Cleaning of RFID Data Streams (Paper), Social IoT.