Welcome to My Homepage!


Bivas Mitra

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
West Bengal, India

About Me
Presentations & Talks
Professional Activities

I am a faculty member (since April 2013) in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at IIT Kharagpur, India. Prior to that, I worked briefly (Aug. 2012-March 2013) with Samsung Electronics, Noida as a Chief Engineer. I received my Ph.D in Computer Science & Engineering from IIT Kharagpur under the supervision of Prof. Niloy Ganguly and Prof. Sujoy Ghose. I did my first postdoc (May 2010-June 2011) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France and second postdoc (July 2011-July 2012) at the Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
I am also associated with the Complex Networks Research Group (CNeRG), IIT Kharagpur, India.

My research interests include

  • Network science, Multilayer networks
  • Social networks, Data science, Anomaly detection
  • Mobile affective computing, Socio-mobile applications
  • Crowdsensing, Social-IoT
  • Peer-to-Peer networks
  • Optical networks

Office :
Room#: 322
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
West Bengal, India, 721302.

Email : bivas [AT] cse.iitkgp.ac.in, bivasmitra [AT] gmail.com
Telephone: +91-3222-282358.

News/Upcoming Events:

  • New paper in CODS-COMAD 2024: "On the Badge Aware Influence Representation Learning & Influencer Detection in Social Networks".
  • New paper in MobileHCI 2024: "Title: DriveR: Towards Generating a Dynamic Road Safety Map with Causal Contexts".
  • New paper in ACM CHI 2024: "Towards Estimating Missing Emotion Self-reports Leveraging User Similarity: A Multi-task Learning Approach".
  • New paper in ACM JCSS: "Zero-configuration Alarms: Towards Reducing Distracting Smartphone Interactions while Driving".
  • New paper in IEEE PerCom 2024: "Early Detection of Driving Maneuvers for Proactive Congestion Prevention" with Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.
  • New paper in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering: "Epidemic Spreading on Directed Networks and Twitter Cascades" with Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland.
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award from ICMI 2023.
  • New paper in ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems: "GRIDS: Personalized Guideline Recommendations while Driving Through a New City".
  • Snigdha Das successfully defended her Ph.D thesis on June 16, 2023. Congratulations Snigdha!
  • New paper in Computer Communications: "MDAP: Module Dependency based Anomaly Prediction".
  • New paper in INTERACT 2023: "SELFI: Evaluation of Techniques to Reduce Self-report Fatigue by Using Facial Expression of Emotion".
  • New paper in DCOSS-IoT 2023: "Acconotate: Exploiting Acoustic Changes for Automatic Annotation of Inertial Data at the Source".
  • New paper in PerCom 2023: "DriCon: On-device Just-in-Time Context Characterization for Unexpected Driving Events".
  • New paper in ACM SAC 2023: "Topic Aware Influential Member Detection in Meetup" with Microsoft.
  • Soumyajit Chatterjee successfully defended his Ph.D thesis on Aug. 24, 2022. Congratulations Soumyajit!
  • New paper in ACII 2022: "ALOE: Active Learning based Opportunistic Experience Sampling for Smartphone Keyboard driven Emotion Self-report Collection".
  • Our paper won the Best Paper Runner-Up Award at IEEE MDM 2022. Congratulations Debasree and Sugandh!
  • New paper in IEEE MDM 2022 workshop MUST 2022: "My Mobile Knows that I am Driving! In-Vehicle (Relative) Blind Localization of a Smartphone".
  • New paper in ACM UMAP 2022: "I Cannot See Students Focusing on My Presentation; Are They Following Me? Continuous Monitoring of Student Engagement through 'Stungage'".
  • New (short) paper in IEEE SMARTCOMP 2022: "AmicroN: Framework for Generating Micro-Activity Annotations for Human Activity Recognition".
  • New paper in IEEE MDM 2022: "DriBe: On-road Mobile Telemetry for Locality-neutral Driving Behavior Annotation".
  • New paper in ACM TIST: "Impact of Driving Behavior on Commuter’s Comfort during Cab Rides: Towards a New Perspective of Driver Rating".
  • New paper in PerCom 2022 workshop PerVehicle 2022: "Why Slammed the Brakes On? Auto-annotating Driving Behaviors from Adaptive Causal Modeling".
  • New paper in PerCom 2022: "CogAx: Early Assessment of Cognitive and Functional Impairment from Accelerometry" with University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA.
  • New (poster) paper in ACM SAC 2022: "Emotion Detection from Smartphone Keyboard Interactions: Role of Temporal vs Spectral Features".
  • New paper in COMSNETS 2022: "SmartWatch for Wall Writing: Real-time Transcription of Wall Writing from Inertial Sensing".
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  • Open Positions: Ph.D/MS positions are available in the areas of (1) Complex networks/Social networks (mostly theoretical/analytical and real data driven research) and (2) Mobile Systems (mostly experimental research). Highly motivated candidates with strong academic background (B.E./B. Tech with high CGPA, preferably with an M.E./M.Tech in CS) are encouraged to contact for the positions (drop me a CV).
  • Internship: I do not encourage students to spend their second year vacations doing summer projects. So do not expect any response from me. Third year students, if you are interested, apply via link . Please do not send me any mail, neither expect any reply. The staff responsible for that will send you a reply in due time.