============================ Guidelines for Evaluating A1 ============================ ------------ Input/Output ------------ -------------------------------------------------- Reading two Intervals properly 1 Printing two Intervals properly 1 Printing the Complex Interval properly 1 -------------------------------------------------- Total 3 -------------------------------------------------- ---- Code ---- -------------------------------------------------- Variable Declaration 1 Perform ADDITION 1 Perform SUBTRACTION 1 Perform MULTIPLICATION 1 Find RECIPROCAL 1 Perform DIVISION 1 Find CONTINUOUS-UNION 2 Find INTERSECTION 2 Find MODULUS 1 Find CONJUGATE 1 Find ARGUMENT 1 Find SQUARE 1 Find CUBE 1 Find RECIPROCAL 2 -------------------------------------------------- Total 17 -------------------------------------------------- ========================================================== Grand Total 20 ========================================================== Penalty: ------- ** For ALL operations asked: -- 75% of marks (i.e. 3/4 of 1 mark) is reserved for computational correctness. -- 25% of marks (i.e. 1/4 of 1 mark) is reserved for printing the output properly. ** For CONTINUOUS-UNION and INTERSECTION: -- Deduct 1 mark in each case, if conditional statements are used to compute. NO Penalty: ---------- ** Warn (in comments) in case of poor indentation. ** Do not penalize in this assignment.