Details of the projects
for 03CS UG batch

AB1	Embedded systems

	1 student

AB2	AI, Speech and natural language processing

	2 students (1 Dual-degree preferable)

AD1	Elliptic curve cryptography

	1 student (BTech/Dual)

	Prerequisite: Good feeling of discrete algebraic structures
	              (groups, rings and fields)

	Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptosystems and
	comparison with conventional cryptosystems based on RSA and
	discrete logs

AD2	Hyperelliptic curve cryptography

	1 student (Dual preferable)

	Prerequisite: Good feeling of discrete algebraic structures
	              (groups, rings and fields)

	Efficient implementation of hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems
	and comparison with conventional cryptosystems based on RSA and
	discrete logs

AD3	Cryptanalysis of block ciphers

	1 student (BTech/Dual)

	Implementation and improvement of several forms of attacks on
	modern block ciphers (like AES)

AG1	Distributed algorithms for wireless networks

	1 BTech/Dual student

	Involves design, analysis, and simulation of distributed algorithms
	for different problems on wireless networks.

AG2	Application development for mobile phones on windows platform

	1 BTech student

	This project will involve developing innovative applications
	for mobile phones. Requires interest in learning new technologies
	and implementing them.

AKM1	Multimedia  Storage and Retrieval with application to Medical
	Images and Video.

	Requirement: Students with good CGPA and interest in work.

AKM2	Data Security and Design of Intrusion Resilient Database systems

	Requirement: Students with good CGPA and interest in work.

ARB1	Medial axis and straight skeleton of simple polygons

ARB2	Application of graph algorithms and graph drawing techniques
	in VLSI placement

ARB3	Approximate matching of points and geometric shapes under
	arbitrary transforms

ARB4	Geometric optimization algorithms for Geographic Information

ARB5	Uniform insertion of points inside arbitrary planar shapes
	(squares,polygons, etc.)

AP1	Sensor networks

AP2	Optical communication

CRM1	Algorithm animation over the web

	1 student (BTech/Dual)

	A manual animation system exists. See this link.
	The aim of the project is to automate the generation of the
	animation. This will require coding the animation in XML and
	translating the XML (using existing tools) to generate the

CRM_DS1	Introducing new architectural features into the RTL synthesis paradigm
	(Jointly with DS)

	1 Dual + 1 BTech student

	It is intended to incorporate new architectural features such as,
	forwarding in pipelines, predictive branching, etc. in RTL synthesis.
	The environment has to support hand-in-hand verification of
	the synthesised systems.

DRC1	Characterization of Non-linear Cellular Automata and its
	application to Cryptography

DRC2	New schemes for two/multi party authentication

DRC3	Testing Embedded Cores - Digital, Analog and Mixed signal

DS1	Verification of real time systems

	1 student

GB1	Looking into the Linux Kernel

ISG1	Development of tools for steganography and steganalysis

	1 student (BTech/Dual)

	Steganography means hiding information within
	some other medium. For example, a text
	message can be hidden in an image file in
	such a way that its hidden presence cannot
	be easily detected. Steganography coupled
	with encyption can provide a better way of
	hiding and distributing secret information
	securely. Steganalysis is the process of
	analyzing an image (say) to detect the
	presence of any hidden content in it. This
	project aims to explore topics in the
	development of secure steganography tool, and

ISG2	Some topics in the area of digital circuit testing

	2 students (Dual)

	Prerequisites : Should have interest in the area of VLSI CAD

	The complexity of digital circuit testing is
	increasing with every passing year, and
	contributes to a large proportion of total
	chip cost. There are several areas in which
	work can be carried out in this field, like
	low power testing, testing of reversible
	circuits, system-on-chip testing, layout-
	driven testing, etc. The objective of this
	project is to identify some interesting
	problems in the area of digital testing,
	and try to arrive at a solution using a new
	approach. There will be significant research
	component in this work.

ISG3	Development of reconfigurable FPGA based implementation of
	cryptographic primitives

	1 student (BTech)

	Prerequisites : Some knowledge about Linux low level
	                programming, and interest in FPGA based

	Some commonly used cryptographic algorithms
	would be chosen, and Verilog designs for them
	have to be arrived at. A FPGA based board
	would be interfaced to a Linux based PC, to
	which a specified algorithm implementation
	can be downloaded. The system would be
	reconfigurable in the sense that depending
	upon the requirements, the FPGA board can
	carry out different functions at different times.

JM1	Video Compression using Wavelets

	1 BTech student

	Developing video compression scheme using wavelet signal
	decomposition and comparing its performances with existing
	standards such as MPEG-2 and H.263.

JM2	Protein Structure Prediciton

	1 Dual degree student

	Prediction of secondary and tertiary structure from amino acid
	sequence. Study exisiting literature, implementation of standard
	algorithms and compare them. Suggest modifications / any new
	approach towards these computations.

NG1	Performance Analysis of DC++

	2 Dual-degree

	Prerequisites : Networks

	In this project, we will measure the performance of DC++ (the local
	peer to peer network) based  upon various criteria.

NG2	Search in structured peer to peer networks

	1 student (BTech/Dual)

	Prerequisites : Networks

	In this project, we will try to build up a robust distributed hash
	table which helps in organizing information in peer to peer networks.

NG3	Understanding weighted random graphs

	1 student (BTech/Dual)

	Prerequisites : Graph theory

	In this project, we will define various parameters to characterize
	a weighted random  graph.

NG_PM1	Pattern Recognition with Cellular Automata
	(Jointly with PM)

	1 Dual-degree

	Prerequisites : Machine Learning/AI

	Design Cellular Automata based algorithms for various pattern
	recognition tasks like - instance selection, feature selection,
	clustering, and classification. Apply to the algorithms to real
	world problems in remote sensing, medical diagnosis etc.

PDG1	Formal verification I

PDG2	Formal verification II

PDG3	Formal verification III

PM1	Spatio-temporal data mining

	1 student (BTech/Dual)

	Prerequisites : Machine Learning/AI

	Develop data mining algorithms for spatio-temporal data like - weather,
	video etc. Association, trend detection and outlier analysis are some
	of the tasks to be studied.

PM2	Information Extraction from Web Documents

	2 students (BTech/Dual)

	Prerequisites : Machine Learning/AI

	Use of machine learning for automated information extraction from html
	and xml documents.

PM3	Shape-based Image Retrieval

	1 student (BTech/Dual)

	Prerequisites : Image Processing

	Develop image retrieval system using shape features for remote sensing
	images collections.

PPC1	Multiprocessor scheduling algorithms

	1 BTech/Dual student

PPC2	Algorithms for timing and power analysis

	1 BTech/Dual student

	(Among PPC1 and PPC2: 1 BTech + 1 Dual preferable)

PSD1	Towards an Object Oriented Verilog

	2 students

	Extension of the Work of my Current B.Tech Students. It involves
	creating an Object - Oriented Design Environment for designing a
	CPU by extending an Object Shell over and above the Existing Verilog.

PSD2	Creating an Electronic Question Bank on Windows with VC++ Front End
	and Oracle / SQL Backend

	1 or 2 students

	This project involves creating and maintaing a Question Bank
	along with its answers both of which may include Picture, Figure
	& Diagrams. The Questions and answers in various topics in each
	among several subjects can either be entered (using MS Word) or
	can be read from existing PDF or MS Word Files with provisions
	for alteration as well as creating new questions.

RM1	Test coverage analysis for OO Programs

	1 BTech student

	Prerequisite : Software Engineering

SPP1	Classification of boolean functions with low classical/quantum
	communication complexity.

	[Only students seriously motivated in algebra, combinatorics and 
	algorithmics may opt.] 

	Number of students: One Dual degree student.

	Abstract: It is known that certain algebraic restrictions on inputs 
	(called promises), reduce the communication complexity of two- 
	and multi-party distributed computations of certain (boolean)
	functions. See this link and references
	therein. We wish to investigate into the relevant algebraic and
	combinatorial aspects for characterizing/classifying classes of
	functions with low (or bounded) communication complexity. Typically,
	for input sizes n given to each party, we wish to discover functions
	that can be fathomed with constant or logarithmic (log n)
	communication complexity. We also wish to study LOCC transformations
	between multipartite entanglement states in order to export such
	notions as those of incomparability of states to correlation
	preserving reductions between boolean functions (computed in 
	a distributed network). (Link).

SPP2	Scalable video service using (virtual) internet caching.

	Abstract: We wish to study the tradeoffs between video quality and
	blackouts between clips. Larger amount of data transfer providing
	higher quality requires larger caching space and network speeds.
	These resources need to be managed appropriately, in order to reduce
	blackouts and their durations. The main aim is to study in-depth,
	the use of caching (instead of streaming), for scalable on-demand
	video service. The work involves much simulation (with existing
	simulators and their enhancements), and some analytical work.   

	References: Link

	[The student may email me to access a copy of the paper.]

SPP3	Algebraic and combinatorial characterizations of promise
	sets for efficient communication protocols.

	Number of students: 1 B Tech and 1 Dual degree

	Abstract: It is observed that certain algebraic and/or combinatorial 
	restrictions on permissible inputs lead to a fall in communication 
	complexity of certain computations. We wish to investigate such
	phenomena for classical as well as quantum scenarios, with or without
	quantum entanglement assistance. Such studies are motivated by
	possibilities of discovering separations between quantum and classical
	communication complexities as initially illustrated by Richard Cleve
	and Harry Buhrman. Typically, we would investigate upper and lower
	bounds on such complexities for algebraically motivated functions.
	Please see this link and references therein.

SS1	Detection and Tracking of News Topics

	1 student (BTech or Dual)

	The idea of this project is to scan a dynamic source of articles
	e.g. news and track the growth and evolution of new topics over
	time. This will also involve finding associations and dependencies
	between different topics and identify different news threads.

SS2	Question Answering system

	1 student (BTech or Dual)

	In this project we will look at question answering systems. The idea
	is to find answers to certain types of question posed by the user
	from a corpus or from the Web. We will focus on response extraction
	from multiple sources, fusion/validation of the responses and the
	final response generation.

SS3	Making use of ontologies and correlations in IR systems

	1 student (BTech or Dual)

	The idea of this project is to detect associations between topic
	terms, and use ontologies and assoiciations for improved retrieval
	or recommendations or in Question Answering

SS4	Dialogue Management system for the travel and tourism domain

	1 student (BTech or Dual)

	The idea of this project is to take up a fixed domain like the
	railway travel domain and/or the tourism domain and work on a
	suitable dialogue management architecture for the domain. The
	work will also involve dialogue design.