Date | Topic | Local Material
04-Jan-2022 | Introduction to languages and computation | Scribes
10-Jan-2022 | Representation issues, operations on strings and languages | Scribes
11-Jan-2022 | Limitations of computers
Deterministic finite automata, regular languages | Scribes
13-Jan-2022 | Tutorial | Scribes
17-Jan-2022 | More on DFA, the product construction | Scribes
18-Jan-2022 | Nondeterministic finite automata, subset construction, ε-NFA, some closure properties | Scribes
20-Jan-2022 | Tutorial |
Supplement | Theory of ε-closures | Notes
24-Jan-2022 | Patterns and regular expressions | Scribes
25-Jan-2022 | Patterns and regular expressions (contd)
Introduction to the pumping lemma
| Scribes
27-Jan-2022 | Tutorial | Scribes
31-Jan-2022 | More on pumping lemma | Scribes
01-Feb-2022 | Proving non-regularity by closure properties and ultimate preiodicity, DFA state minimization | Scribes
03-Feb-2022 | Tutorial | Scribes
07-Feb-2022 | DFA state minimization, DFA and equivalence relations | Scribes
08-Feb-2022 | Myhill–Nerode theorem, applications
Introduction to context-free grammars and languages | Scribes
10-Feb-2022 | Tutorial | Scribes
14-Feb-2022 | Example of CFG: Balanced parentheses
Normal forms of CFG | Slides
15-Feb-2022 | Parse trees, pumpimg lemma for CFLs, (non-)closure properties
Regular grammars | Slides
17-Feb-2022 | Tutorial |
28-Feb-2022 | Introduction to pushdown automata (PDA) | Scribes
01-Mar-2022 | More on PDA: Acceptance issues, equivalence with CFG | Scribes
03-Mar-2022 | Tutorial | Scribes
07-Mar-2022 | PDA to CFG conversion, deterministic PDA (DPDA) and DCFL, closure properties | Scribes
08-Mar-2022 | DPDA and DCFL (continued), introduction to Turing macines | Scribes
10-Mar-2022 | Tutorial | Scribes
14-Mar-2022 | Some models equivalent to Turing machines | Slides
15-Mar-2022 | Non-deterministic Turing machines
Unrestricted grammars | Slides
17-Mar-2022 | Tutorial | Exercises
21-Mar-2022 | Universal Turing machines and diagonalization | Slides
22-Mar-2022 | Reduction proofs of undecidability and unsemidecidability | Slides
24-Mar-2022 | Tutorial | Exercises
28-Mar-2022 | Reduction proofs of undecidability and unsemidecidability (continued) | Slides
29-Mar-2022 | Rice's theorems
Some decidable problems about Turing machines | Slides