Relations: Definition and properties, equivalence relations and
partitions, partial orders, lattices.
| Part 1 |
Part 2 (slides)
Functions: Definition and properties (injective, surjective, bijective), composite
and inverse functions.
| Part 1
Query form
Week 6
Sets, relations and functions |
Functions: Definition and properties (injective, surjective, bijective), composite
and inverse functions.
| Part 2 (slides)
Size of a set |
Finite and infinite sets, countable sets.
| Single part (scribes)
Uncountable sets, Cantor's diagonal argument, and the power-set theorem.
| Single part (scribes)
Applications in Computer Science. Unsolvability of problems.
| Single part (scribes)
Query form
Week 7
Generating functions |
Definition, examples, applications to counting and probability distributions.
| Single part
Applications to integer compositions and partitions. Exponential generating functions.
| Single part
Solving recurrence relations using generating functions, linear recurrences, Catalan numbers (revisited).
| Single part
Query form
Week 8
Recurrences |
Formulation and examples:
Programming and counting problems, symmetry and fractals.
Linear recurrences: Characteristic equations, homogeneous and particular solutions.
| Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 (Slides)
Query form
Week 9
Recurrences |
Divide-and-conquer recurrences and the master theorem.
| Part 1 |
Part 2 (Slides)
Query form
Week 10
Algebraic structures |
Rings and fields: Definitions and properties, homomorphisms and
isomorphisms, units, subrings.
| Single part (slides)
Groups: Definitions and properties, homomorphisms and
isomorphisms, cyclic groups, subgroups and cosets.
| Part 1 (scribes) |
Part 2 (scribes)
Query form
Week 11 (Extra)
Algebraic structures |
Modular arithmetic, applications to cryptography
| Single part (slides)
Query form