Class timings
Slot: D
Lecture: M 11:30-12:25, Tu 9:30-11:25
Tutorial: Th 7:30-8:25
Room No: CSE 119
Set theory and logic
| Logic and propositions, sets, set operations, functions,
relations, equivalence relations, partial orders, induction and recursion, finite
and infinite sets, countable and uncountable sets, Cantor's diagonal argument,
integers, rationals and real numbers.
| Combinatorics
| Pigeon-hole principle, permutations and combinations,
summations, principal of inclusion-exclusion, designs, generating functions,
linear recurrences and their solutions, divide-and-conquer relations.
| Algebraic structures
| Groups and subgroups, morphisms, permutations, rings,
domains, fields, polynomials, finite fields, error correcting codes, lattices,
Boolean algebra.
Recommended books
The following book will be mostly followed in the course:
Norman L Briggs, Discrete mathematics,
second edition, Oxford University Press.
Some other good books are:
J P Tremblay and R Manohar, Discrete mathematical structures with applications to
Computer Science, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1999.
C L Liu, Elements of discrete mathematics, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company, 2000.
Additional hand-outs may also be provided in the class.
Notes on ideals and quotient rings:
pdf, ps.
Practice exercises
- Exercise Set 1 : pdf, ps.
- Exercise Set 2 : pdf, ps.
- Exercise Set 3 : pdf, ps.
- Exercise Set 4 : pdf, ps.
- Exercise Set 5 : pdf, ps.
Test papers
- Class test 1: September 08, 2005.
Questions [pdf, ps]
Solutions [pdf, ps]
- Mid-semester test: September 16, 2005.
Questions [pdf, ps]
Solutions [pdf, ps]
- Class test 2: November 10, 2005.
Questions [pdf, ps]
Solutions [pdf, ps]
- End-semester test: November 21, 2005.
Questions [pdf, ps]
Solutions [pdf, ps]