CS13002 Programming and Data Structures

Section 3/C, Spring 2003--2004

Assignment 5 : Solution

The program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef struct {
   double real;
   double imag;
} complex;

typedef struct {
   double r;
   double theta;
} polar;

char *cprint ( complex z )
   char *c;

   c = (char *)malloc(100*sizeof(char));

polar ctop ( complex z )
   polar w;

   w.r = sqrt((z.real*z.real)+(z.imag*z.imag));
   w.theta = (w.r==0) ? 0 : atan2(z.imag,z.real);

complex ptoc ( polar z )
   complex w;

   w.real = (z.r) * cos(z.theta);
   w.imag = (z.r) * sin(z.theta);

complex cadd ( complex z1 , complex z2 )
   complex z;

   z.real = z1.real + z2.real;
   z.imag = z1.imag + z2.imag;

complex csub ( complex z1 , complex z2 )
   complex z;

   z.real = z1.real - z2.real;
   z.imag = z1.imag - z2.imag;

complex cmul ( complex z1 , complex z2 )
   complex z;

   z.real = z1.real*z2.real - z1.imag*z2.imag;
   z.imag = z1.real*z2.imag + z1.imag*z2.real;

complex csqr ( complex z1 )
   complex z;

   z.real = z1.real*z1.real - z1.imag*z1.imag;
   z.imag = 2*z1.real*z1.imag;

complex cdiv ( complex z1 , complex z2 )
   complex z;
   double r;

   r = z2.real*z2.real + z2.imag*z2.imag;
   if (r == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Error: Division by zero\n");
      z.real = z.imag = 0;
   } else {
      z.real = (z1.real*z2.real + z1.imag*z2.imag) / r;
      z.imag = (z1.imag*z2.real - z1.real*z2.imag) / r;

complex csqrt ( complex z1 )
   polar w;

   w = ctop(z1);
   w.r = sqrt(w.r);
   w.theta /= 2;

int findRoots ( complex *z1, complex *z2, complex a, complex b, complex c)
   complex t, u;

   t = csqr(b);
   u = cmul(a,c);
   u.real *= 4;
   u.imag *= 4;
   t = csub(t,u);
   t = csqrt(t);
   u.real = a.real * 2;
   u.imag = a.imag * 2;
   (*z1).real = (*z2).real = -(b.real);
   (*z1).imag = (*z2).imag = -(b.imag);
   *z1 = cadd(*z1,t); *z1 = cdiv(*z1,u);
   *z2 = csub(*z2,t); *z2 = cdiv(*z2,u);

int main ()
   complex a, b, c;
   complex z1,z2;

   printf("Enter a (coefficient of x²) : ");
   printf("Enter b (coefficient of x)  : ");
   printf("Enter c (constant term)     : ");
   printf("The input polynomial is :\n");
   printf("(%s)x² + (%s)x + (%s)\n", cprint(a), cprint(b), cprint(c));
   printf("The two roots of this polynomial are :\n");
   printf("%s and %s.\n", cprint(z1),cprint(z2));


Enter a (coefficient of x²) : 1 0
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : 0 1
Enter c (constant term)     : 1 0
The input polynomial is :
(1.000000+i0.000000)x² + (0.000000+i1.000000)x + (1.000000+i0.000000)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
0.000000+i0.618034 and -0.000000-i1.618034.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : -1 0
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : -7 0
Enter c (constant term)     : 8 0
The input polynomial is :
(-1.000000+i0.000000)x² + (-7.000000+i0.000000)x + (8.000000+i0.000000)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
-8.000000+i0.000000 and 1.000000+i0.000000.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : -1 0
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : -7 0
Enter c (constant term)     : 7 0
The input polynomial is :
(-1.000000+i0.000000)x² + (-7.000000+i0.000000)x + (7.000000+i0.000000)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
-7.887482+i0.000000 and 0.887482+i0.000000.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : 0 -1
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : 0 -7
Enter c (constant term)     : 0 8
The input polynomial is :
(0.000000-i1.000000)x² + (0.000000-i7.000000)x + (0.000000+i8.000000)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
1.000000+i0.000000 and -8.000000-i0.000000.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : -5 12
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : 0 0
Enter c (constant term)     : 0 0
The input polynomial is :
(-5.000000+i12.000000)x² + (0.000000+i0.000000)x + (0.000000+i0.000000)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
0.000000+i0.000000 and 0.000000+i0.000000.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : 1 0
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : 0 0
Enter c (constant term)     : -5 12
The input polynomial is :
(1.000000+i0.000000)x² + (0.000000+i0.000000)x + (-5.000000+i12.000000)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
3.000000-i2.000000 and -3.000000+i2.000000.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : 1 0
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : 6 4
Enter c (constant term)     : 5 12
The input polynomial is :
(1.000000+i0.000000)x² + (6.000000+i4.000000)x + (5.000000+i12.000000)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
-3.000000-i2.000000 and -3.000000-i2.000000.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : 0 0
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : 0 -7
Enter c (constant term)     : 8 0
The input polynomial is :
(0.000000+i0.000000)x² + (0.000000-i7.000000)x + (8.000000+i0.000000)
Error: Division by zero
Error: Division by zero
The two roots of this polynomial are :
0.000000+i0.000000 and 0.000000+i0.000000.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : -1.2345 1.2345
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : -2.3456 -2.3456
Enter c (constant term)     : 3.4567 -3.4567
The input polynomial is :
(-1.234500+i1.234500)x² + (-2.345600-i2.345600)x + (3.456700-i3.456700)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
-1.377513-i0.950020 and 1.377513-i0.950020.

Enter a (coefficient of x²) : -12345 23456
Enter b (coefficient of x)  : -23456 -34567
Enter c (constant term)     : 34567 -45678
The input polynomial is :
(-12345.000000+i23456.000000)x² + (-23456.000000-i34567.000000)x + (34567.000000-i45678.000000)
The two roots of this polynomial are :
-0.967105-i0.633814 and 1.708995-i0.756646.

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