CS13002 Programming and Data Structures

Section 3/C, Spring 2003--2004

Lab Test I : Solution

For students with odd PC numbers

The program

#include <stdio.h>

#define LIMIT 1000000   /* Maximum number of terms */

int main()
   double multiplier = 2 * 1.7320508076;  /* 2 * sqrt(3) */
   double threepower;                     /* Power of (-3) for the denominator */
   double sum1, sum2;                     /* sum1 is the partial sum for approximation 1 */
                                          /* sum2 is the partial sum for approximation 2 */
   int n, m;                              /* n is the number of terms. m is for printing. */

   /* Initialize */
   n = 0; m = 10;
   sum1 = sum2 = 1;
   threepower = 1;

   /* Repeat for bigger and bigger values of n */
   while (n <= LIMIT) {
      /* Consider the  next term */

      /* Add (-1)^n / (2n+1) to the first sum */
      if (n%2) sum1 -= 1.0/(double)(2*n+1); else sum1 += 1.0/(double)(2*n+1);

      /* Add 1/[(-3)^n (2n+1)] to the second sum */
      threepower *= (double)(-3);
      sum2 += 1.0/(threepower*(double)(2*n+1));

      /* Check if printing is to be done */
      if (n == m) {
         printf("n = %7d, approximation1 = %12.10lf, approximation2 = %12.10lf\n",
                 n, 4*sum1, multiplier*sum2);

         m *= 10; /* Set value of n for next printing */


n =      10, approximation1 = 3.2323158094, approximation2 = 3.1415933046
n =     100, approximation1 = 3.1514934011, approximation2 = 3.1415926536
n =    1000, approximation1 = 3.1425916543, approximation2 = 3.1415926536
n =   10000, approximation1 = 3.1416926436, approximation2 = 3.1415926536
n =  100000, approximation1 = 3.1416026535, approximation2 = 3.1415926536
n = 1000000, approximation1 = 3.1415936536, approximation2 = 3.1415926536

Look how fast the second series has converged, whereas the first series has not converged (with an accuracy of 10 decimal digits) even when one million terms are considered.

For students with even PC numbers

The program

#include <stdio.h>

#define ERROR 0.00000000001  /* Error bound set at 10^(-11) */

int main ()
   double multiplier,        /* The bracketed expression in the n-th term */
          sum, oldsum;       /* The current and the previous sums are maintained
                                for checking convergence within the error limit. */
   int n;                    /* Number of terms */

   /* Initialize */
   sum = multiplier = 0.5;
   oldsum = 0;
   n = 0;

   /* Repeat till the series converges with the desired accuracy */
   while (1) {
      printf("n = %2d, s_n = %12.10lf, approximate value of pi = %12.10lf\n",
              n, sum, 6*sum);

      /* Consider the next term */

      /* Obtain the value of the multiplier for this n from that for the previous n */
      multiplier *= (double)(2*n-1) / (double)(8*n);

      /* Save previous sum */
      oldsum = sum;

      /* Update sum by adding the new term */
      sum += multiplier/((double)(2*n+1));

      /* Check for convergence */
      if (6*(sum-oldsum) < ERROR) exit(0);


n =  0, s_n = 0.5000000000, approximate value of pi = 3.0000000000
n =  1, s_n = 0.5208333333, approximate value of pi = 3.1250000000
n =  2, s_n = 0.5231770833, approximate value of pi = 3.1390625000
n =  3, s_n = 0.5235258557, approximate value of pi = 3.1411551339
n =  4, s_n = 0.5235851954, approximate value of pi = 3.1415111723
n =  5, s_n = 0.5235961193, approximate value of pi = 3.1415767158
n =  6, s_n = 0.5235982376, approximate value of pi = 3.1415894253
n =  7, s_n = 0.5235986637, approximate value of pi = 3.1415919824
n =  8, s_n = 0.5235987519, approximate value of pi = 3.1415925112
n =  9, s_n = 0.5235987705, approximate value of pi = 3.1415926229
n = 10, s_n = 0.5235987745, approximate value of pi = 3.1415926469
n = 11, s_n = 0.5235987754, approximate value of pi = 3.1415926521
n = 12, s_n = 0.5235987755, approximate value of pi = 3.1415926533
n = 13, s_n = 0.5235987756, approximate value of pi = 3.1415926535
n = 14, s_n = 0.5235987756, approximate value of pi = 3.1415926536
n = 15, s_n = 0.5235987756, approximate value of pi = 3.1415926536

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