CS13002 Programming and Data Structures

Section 3/C, Spring 2003--2004

Assignment 1

The exercise

Read five positive real numbers a, b, c, d and e from the user and compute their

Arithmetic meanAM = (a + b + c + d + e) / 5
Geometric meanGM = 5th root of abcde
Harmonic meanHM = 5 / [ (1/a) + (1/b) + (1/c) + (1/d) + (1/e) ]
Standard deviation SD = Square root of [(a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 + e2) / 5 - (AM)2]

Sample output

a = 2.1
b = 3.2
c = 4.3
d = 5.4
e = 6.5
AM = 4.300000
GM = 3.992353
HM = 3.675714
SD = 1.555635

Test input

Show the output of your program on the following two sets of input:

Input 1

a = 2
b = 29
c = 541
d = 7919
e = 104729

Input 2

a = 148.41315910
b =  54.59815003
c =  20.08553692
d =   7.389056099
e =   2.718281828

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