CS13002 Programming and Data Structures

Section: 3/C, Spring 2003--2004

Getting started

How to take print-outs

General information

Extra practice sessions

Monday to Friday 6:00--7:30pm and 8:30-10:00pm.

Tentative schedule

DateExerciseSolutionTopic(s) to cover
09-01-04NoneNoneIntroduction to the lab
16-01-04Assignment 1Solution 1Sequential flow of control
30-01-04Assignment 2Solution 2Alternate and repetitive flow of control
06-02-04Assignment 3Solution 3Functions and recursion
13-02-04Lab test ISolutionUpto introduction to functions
05-03-04Assignment 4Solution 4Arrays
12-03-04Assignment 5Solution 5Structures
19-03-04Lab test IISolutionUpto arrays
26-03-04Assignment 6Solution 6Linear linked list
02-04-04Assignment 7Solution 7Stacks and queues
09-04-04Lab test IIISolutionAbstract data types
16-04-04Assignment 8Solution 8Trees and other data structures
20-04-04Extra lab session (5:00-8:00pm)


