CS29003 Algorithms Laboratory Autumn 2013, L-T-P: 0-0-3 

Assignment No 2

Greedy Algorithms

Your institute has a huge event room V0. Several events are organized there, including classes, tutorials, tests, dramas, chess competitions, sarod recitals, robot design contests, food festivals and social gatherings. Each such event has a start time and an end time. Mr. Sched is in charge of scheduling events in V0. He has a list of forthcoming events that request the room V0. Since multiple events cannot run simultaneously in V0, Mr. Sched's task is to select a non-overlapping set of events. He has two objectives in mind.

  1. Schedule as many (non-overlapping) events as possible.
  2. Schedule (non-overlapping) events in such a way that V0 is utilized for the maximum duration.

In this assignment, you write greedy algorithms to solve Mr. Sched's first problem.

More concretely, suppose that there are n intervals (aibi), where ai and bi are respectively the start and end times of the i-th event. Two intervals (aibi) and (ajbj) are called compatible if they do not overlap, that is, if either ai ≥ bj or aj ≥ bi. If two intervals overlap, we call them conflicting. Your task is to select a maximal collection of intervals which are compatible to one another. This is called the interval scheduling problem. The following four greedy strategies can be used to solve this problem.

  1. Earliest start time first.
  2. Earliest end time first.
  3. Shortest first.
  4. Least conflict first.

Among these, only one is guaranteed to give an optimal solution. The other three may produce sub-optimal solutions. A theoretical proof of optimality will be covered in a tutorial session. In this lab, you experimentally determine which one is the optimal strategy.

Write a C/C++ program to do the following.

The interval scheduling problem has many applications (other than Mr. Sched's first problem). For example, process scheduling in real-time operating systems has to do with some variants of the interval scheduling problem. There, each process has an arrival time, a deadline and a running time. The task is to schedule a process no earlier than it arrives, in such a way that it finishes no later than the deadline. The objective is to schedule as many processes as possible. In many situations, such scheduling has to be done on-line. There may be additional dependency constraints on the processes, like scheduling some processes requiring some other processes to have been completed. The processes may have priorities. Moreover, the exact running times may be unavailable a priori. The scheduling may or may not be preemptive. The processor may need some preparation time between two processes (for example, to run the on-line scheduling algorithm and for task switching). In another variant, one schedules all the processes, but using as few processors as possible. Some of these variants are easy, others potentially difficult.

Sample Output

In the following sample run, I have taken 20 intervals. In my code, MAX_INTERVAL_START and MAX_INTERVAL_LENGTH are #defined as 1000 and 100, respectively. Your program may, however, read these too (along with n) from the user. In this example, all of the four strategies give optimal solutions. In the interval listings below, the start and end times are shown along with the numbers of conflicts (within parentheses).

n = 20
[ 249, 320]( 2) [ 548, 578]( 3) [ 476, 526]( 2) [ 810, 895]( 3) [ 856, 901]( 3) 
[  42,  77]( 2) [ 483, 582]( 5) [ 531, 587]( 4) [ 260, 276]( 2) [  45, 127]( 3) 
[ 722, 778]( 1) [ 229, 315]( 3) [  65,  98]( 2) [ 771, 868]( 4) [ 119, 204]( 2) 
[ 573, 642]( 3) [ 154, 177]( 1) [ 449, 533]( 3) [ 223, 235]( 1) [ 819, 899]( 3) 

+++ Schedule 1: Earliest start time first
[  42,  77]( 2) [  45, 127]( 3) [  65,  98]( 2) [ 119, 204]( 2) [ 154, 177]( 1) 
[ 223, 235]( 1) [ 229, 315]( 3) [ 249, 320]( 2) [ 260, 276]( 2) [ 449, 533]( 3) 
[ 476, 526]( 2) [ 483, 582]( 5) [ 531, 587]( 4) [ 548, 578]( 3) [ 573, 642]( 3) 
[ 722, 778]( 1) [ 771, 868]( 4) [ 810, 895]( 3) [ 819, 899]( 3) [ 856, 901]( 3) 
--- Total number of intervals selected = 8
[  42,  77]( 2) [ 119, 204]( 2) [ 223, 235]( 1) [ 249, 320]( 2) [ 449, 533]( 3) 
[ 548, 578]( 3) [ 722, 778]( 1) [ 810, 895]( 3) 
Total utilization = 458

+++ Schedule 2: Earliest finish time first
[  42,  77]( 2) [  65,  98]( 2) [  45, 127]( 3) [ 154, 177]( 1) [ 119, 204]( 2) 
[ 223, 235]( 1) [ 260, 276]( 2) [ 229, 315]( 3) [ 249, 320]( 2) [ 476, 526]( 2) 
[ 449, 533]( 3) [ 548, 578]( 3) [ 483, 582]( 5) [ 531, 587]( 4) [ 573, 642]( 3) 
[ 722, 778]( 1) [ 771, 868]( 4) [ 810, 895]( 3) [ 819, 899]( 3) [ 856, 901]( 3) 
--- Total number of intervals selected = 8
[  42,  77]( 2) [ 154, 177]( 1) [ 223, 235]( 1) [ 260, 276]( 2) [ 476, 526]( 2) 
[ 548, 578]( 3) [ 722, 778]( 1) [ 810, 895]( 3) 
Total utilization = 307

+++ Schedule 3: Shortest first
[ 223, 235]( 1) [ 260, 276]( 2) [ 154, 177]( 1) [ 548, 578]( 3) [  65,  98]( 2) 
[  42,  77]( 2) [ 856, 901]( 3) [ 476, 526]( 2) [ 531, 587]( 4) [ 722, 778]( 1) 
[ 573, 642]( 3) [ 249, 320]( 2) [ 819, 899]( 3) [  45, 127]( 3) [ 449, 533]( 3) 
[ 119, 204]( 2) [ 810, 895]( 3) [ 229, 315]( 3) [ 771, 868]( 4) [ 483, 582]( 5) 
--- Total number of intervals selected = 8
[ 223, 235]( 1) [ 260, 276]( 2) [ 154, 177]( 1) [ 548, 578]( 3) [  65,  98]( 2) 
[ 856, 901]( 3) [ 476, 526]( 2) [ 722, 778]( 1) 
Total utilization = 265

+++ Schedule 4: Least conflict first
[ 223, 235]( 1) [ 154, 177]( 1) [ 722, 778]( 1) [ 260, 276]( 2) [  65,  98]( 2) 
[  42,  77]( 2) [ 476, 526]( 2) [ 249, 320]( 2) [ 119, 204]( 2) [ 548, 578]( 3) 
[ 856, 901]( 3) [ 573, 642]( 3) [ 819, 899]( 3) [  45, 127]( 3) [ 449, 533]( 3) 
[ 810, 895]( 3) [ 229, 315]( 3) [ 531, 587]( 4) [ 771, 868]( 4) [ 483, 582]( 5) 
--- Total number of intervals selected = 8
[ 223, 235]( 1) [ 154, 177]( 1) [ 722, 778]( 1) [ 260, 276]( 2) [  65,  98]( 2) 
[ 476, 526]( 2) [ 548, 578]( 3) [ 856, 901]( 3) 
Total utilization = 265

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