CS21003 Algorithms I
 CS29003 Algorithms Laboratory
Autumn 2012, L-T-P: 3-1-0 
L-T-P: 0-0-3 

Programming Assignment 7

In this exercise, you implement a variant of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.

For simplicity, assume that the string alphabet is Σ = {0,1}.

Sample output

n = |S| = 100
m = |T| = 5

*** String matching
S = 0101000101110011000001001001101110010010001000101101001001111100101100100000110010110010111001011100
T = 01001
5 matches found at indices 20 23 34 50 53

*** Pattern matching
S = 1100101011010101001000100101001111110111011001010110000000001110001010010100001010111101001110110100
T = 1011*11011
Pattern matches at index pairs (6,34) (6,38) (6,91) (35,91) (39,91) (47,91) (80,91)

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