The set of resources made available with the accompanying ACM TOIS paper submission include the query sets of SGCL12 and TREC-WT, and the 16 nested segmentations each for these two query sets. The code and executables for generating these nested segmentations, as well as evaluating them in our IR-based setup, are also being shared. The code folders have separate readme files containing detailed information on how to run the source code or the executables. Contact emails: Rishiraj Saha Roy (rishiraj DOT saharoy AT gmail DOT com) Anusha Suresh (anusha DOT s1991 AT gmail DOT com) Niloy Ganguly (niloy AT cse DOT iitkgp DOT ernet DOT in) Monojit Choudhury (monojitc AT microsoft DOT com)