Programming and Data Structure
Autumn Semester 2009
L1-Intro |
Introduction, data types, variables and constants, operators, expression, assignment, basic I/O, flowcharts, programming examples |
5 hours |
L2-Number |
Number systems |
2 hours |
L3-Control |
Control statements, programming examples and exercises |
3 hours |
L4-Function |
Functions, recursion, programming examples and exercises |
4 hours |
L5-Array |
Arrays, strings, using arrays with functions, programming examples and exercises |
5 hours |
L6-Structure |
Structures, array of structures, examples |
3 hours |
L7-Pointer |
Pointers, relationship with arrays, parameter passing, dynamic memory allocation |
4 hours |
L8-File |
Files, command-line parameters |
1 hour |
L9-Linklist |
Linked list, abstract data types, implementation of stacks and queues |
4 hours |
L10-Sort |
Sorting algorithms: selection, bubble and quick, time and space complexity. Searching: linear, binary. |
4 hours |
L11-Analysis |
Algorithm analysis, formal notations. |
2 hours |
First Class Test: 20th Aug., Thursday 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Syllabus: L1-L3
Mid Semester Syllabus: L1- L6
Second Class Test: 22nd Oct., Thursday, 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Syllabus: L7 – L8
End Semester Syllabus: L1- L11