

I am working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2009 and Master of Technology (M Tech) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), both from IIT Guwahati, in 2011 and 2014, respectively. As a system researcher, my primary research interests is in the intersection of computer systems, human computer interaction and machine learning. More specifically, I work on various aspects of computer systems and networks, the development of assistive technologies for societal well-being, and the design of distributed, pervasive, and ubiquitous technologies over mobile devices and smartphones.

I am coordinating the Ubiquitous Networked Systems Lab (UbiNET) at IIT Kharagpur, focusing on various aspects of computer systems along with the design and development of ubiquitous and pervasive sensing systems. I am an active member of the COMSNETS Association, India, IEEE COMSOC, ACM SIGCOMM, and ACM SIGMOBILE. I am one of the founding members of ACM IMOBILE, the ACM SIGMOBILE chapter in India. Currently, I am also working as an Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, and Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing journals.


Performance, Protocol Design


Assistive Systems


Cloud, Blockchain


Wearables, Smartphones

Recent News


Our work on evaluating LLMs for HAR annotation accepted to ACM TIST.

This paper explores the use of LLMs as a virtual annotator for auto-annotating IMU data used for Human activity recognition.


DALTON accepted to ACM JCSS (COMPASS 2024)

This paper explores the indoor air quality and pollutants spreat in indoor spaces through a pervasive sensing platform named DALTON.


ZeCA accepted to ACM JCSS (COMPASS 2024)

This work developed an alerting system for smartphone distraction during driving while using a zero-configuration approach.


DriveR accepted to ACM MobileHCI 2024

This work develops a dynamic road safety map by inferring the causal chains of contextual factors associated with risky driving.


GRIDS accepted to ACM TORS.

This work developed a personalized recommendation system for driving through a new city, by using smartphone sensing.


ProCon accepted to IEEE PerCom 2024

This work developed a pervasive sensing approach for early detection of driving maneuvers that can lead to traffic congestion.


DriBe received Best Paper Honorable Mention at MDM 2022

This work developed a driving behavior annotation model based on the impact of driving environment.


Conference Organization

I'll server as:
Workshop Chair, PerCom 2025
General Chair, ICDCN 2025
TPC Chair, ANTS 2024
AC, CHI 2025
AC, MobileHCI 2024
AC, CSCW 2024
AC, ICMI 2024

Research Profiles

DBLP               DBLP               DBLP


List of Current Students is Avaiable at the UbiNet Webpage

(Refresh the Page if the list does not generate properly!)

Contact Me:

Email is my preferred contact mode. Please call at my office number only during urgency. You can visit my office through prior appointment only.

Information for Prospective Students:

  1. We are looking for post-doctoral candidates at our lab. If you are interested in a post-doctoral position in the broad areas of pervasive and ubiquitous computing and Human Computer Interactions, you can drop me a mail with your updated resume, research plan and letter of recommendation.

  2. If you are interested in PhD and wish to do research in Ubiquitous Computing or Human Computer Interactions, you can drop me a mail with your updated resume and research plan. However, the institute follows a centralized policy for PhD admission, and you need to go through it. You can check the institute and department website for regular PhD positions. The PhD entrance test syllabus is available here.

  3. For MS, you have to first go through some project. The advertisement for project positions will be available time-to-time at SRIC website.

  4. You can check our lab page (https://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/resgrp/ubinet/) for summer internships. Please do not mail me for summer internships. Also, we do not offer any internships during the winter breaks.


CSE-311, Computer Science and Engineering (Main building), IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur - 721302, India


B-068, IIT Kharagpur Campus, Kharagpur - 721302, India


sandipc (at) cse (dot) iitkgp (dot) ac (dot) in


(+91) (3222) (282898)