Assignment 8

The Stack ADT

Use a linked list to implement a stack containing character elements. Implement the following functions for manipulating the stack.

Constructor, namely,
stack *create_stack(void)
that constructs a data structure of type stack, empty for the moment, and returns a pointer to it,
Access functions, namely,       
boolean stack_is_empty(stack *s)
that, given a pointer s to a stack, returns TRUE if the stack is empty and returns FALSE otherwise,
stack_object *top_of_stack(stack *s)
that, given a pointer s to a nonempty stack, returns a pointer to the object on the top of the stack,

Manipulator functions, namely,
void push_on_stack(stack *s, stack_object *object);
that, given a pointer s to a stack and given a pointer object to an object, pushes the object on the top of the stack,

void pop_stack(stack *s);
that, given a pointer s to a nonempty stack, pops the stack.

Use the above stack ADT in a main() function which checks whether an input character string is a palindrome, i.e., symmetrical from start and end. The string "hannah" is an example of a palindrome.