Term Projects:

1. Projects can be done in groups of atmost four students.
2. The purpose of the project is to do research work on recent topics in IR.
Research publications are highly encouraged.
3. Groups should present their project proposals before the midsem. If you need to discuss with me for discussing your ideas, either mail me a draft of your idea or talk to me after the class.
4. Groups should email the group composition project title and an abstract to TA by March 1st.
5. It is desirable that the projects have a web page.
6. A report on the project should be submitted before the endsem.
Guidelines for preparing the report will be provided.
7. A final presentation on the project will be held before the endsem.
8. Projects will be evaluated based on, quality of work, novelty, presentation and report.
9. Plagiarism in any form will be strictly penalised.

List of Candidate Projects:

(Students may also propose projects not mentioned in this list.)

Project 1: A Search Engine for all pages in the IITKGP Domain
Crawl index and search all pages in the iikgp domain.

Project 2: Link Mining in the IITKGP Domain
Analyze the hyperlink structure of the iitkgp domain.

Project 3:  Metasearch Engine
Build a search engine which combines the result of 5 other popular search engines.

Project 4: Hypertext Clustering
Cluster hypertext documents

Project 5: A Search Engine for XML Documents

Project 6: Sentiment Classification
Classify sentiments in a movie review/ product review

Project 7: Cross Language Information Retrieval

Project 8:  Named Entity Recognition

Project 9: Composite Word Recognition
Project 10: Word Sense Disambiguation

Project 11: Semantic Search Engine