CS365: Artificial Intelligence Programming

(Semester II, 2004-2005)


Instructor: Pabitra Mitra
(Room No. 224, CSE Dept., EMail: pmitra@iitk.ac.in)

Lecture Timings:


Teaching Assistants:
D. V. Janardhan Rao (dvjrao@cse) and Barna Saha (barna@cse)

Students Registered


Course Contents:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by humans (Minsky, 1968). This course introduces the theoretical and computational techniques that serve as a foundation for the study of artificial intelligence. Topics to be covered include the following:

Books and References:

Any one of the following may be used as a text book.

1. Artifiicial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Russell and Norvig, Pearson Education (Low Priced Edition), 2004.

Online resources related to the book: http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/

2. Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Nils J. Nilsson, Morgan Kauffman, (Harcourt Asia), 2002.

3. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Charniak and McDermott, Addison Wesley, 1985.

As a reference for the LISP language one may use the following book or any other online manual.

4. Common LISP: The Language, Guy L. Steele, Prentice Hall India, 1991

5. LISP Primer: http://mypage.iu.edu/~colallen/lp/ (online manual)

Course Policies:
Term Paper


Robo Soccer Project

Robocode Project


Reading Material
Further Reading
1. Introduction
Chapter 1, Russell Norvig
Turing Test
2. Intelligent Agents
Chapter 2, Russell Norvig
Michael Wooldridge, Intelligent Agents in G. Weiss, editor: Multiagent Systems, The MIT Press, April 1999, [PS]
3. Problem Solving by Search
Chapter 3, Russell Norvig

Pearl and Korf, Search Techniques.

4. Uninformed Search
Chapter 3, Russell Norvig
Pearl & Korf
5. Informed Search
Chapter 4, Russell Norvig
Pearl & Korf
6. Constrained Satisfaction Problems
Chapter 5, Russell Norvig
Algorithms for Constraint- Satisfaction Problems: A Survey
7. Adversial Search
Chapter 6, Russell Norvig
Games & Puzzles

The Game AI Page: Building Artificial Intelligence into Games

Game Programming Information

8. Game Theory
Chapter 17.6, Russell & Norvig
Resources on Game Theory
9. Knowledge and Reasoning
Logical Foundations
Theorem Proving
Chapter 7-9, Russell & Norvig
Genesereth, M., and Nilsson, N., Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, San Fran­cisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1987

Introduction to Logic, Copi & Cohen
10. Knowledge Representation
Chapter 10, Russell & Norvig
Concepts of Logical AI
John McCarthy
11. Reasoning under Uncertainty
Chapter 13-14,
Russell & Norvig
Graphical Models

12. Planning
Chapter 11, Russell & Norvig
Nils Nilsson. Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Tioga Publishing Co., 1980
13. Learning: Concept learning, decision trees
Chapter 18, Russell & Norvig
Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell, McGraw-Hill
14. Linear discriminants, support vector machines
Chapter 20, Russell & Norvig
Pattern Classification, Duda, Hart & Stork
15. Statistical learning: Bayes rule, EM, K-NN
Chapter 20, Russell & Norvig
Pattern Classification, Duda, Hart & Stork
16. Reinforcement learning
Chapter 21, Russell & Norvig
Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell
17. Communication and multiagent systems
Chapter 22, Russell & Norvig
Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Michael Wooldridge, The MIT Press, 1999
18. Natural Language Processing
Chapter 23, Russell & Norvig
ELIZA The Chatterbot
19. Computer Vision
Chapter 24, Russell & Norvig
Computer Vision, Ballard & Brown
20. Conclusion
Chapter 27, Russell & Norvig

Useful Links:

1. AI on the Web

2. http://www.aaai.org

3. LISP Primer: http://mypage.iu.edu/~colallen/lp/